Governor releases proposal for State’s 2021-23 operating budget
Governor Inslee released his proposed operating budget yesterday, marking the first step in the 2021-23 biennial budgeting process.
The governor’s operating proposal includes $3.4 million for Western’s “Advancing Inclusive Success” proposal aimed at addressing equity issues in higher education to ensure underrepresented students receive the same opportunities for success as their peers. The governor’s budget also retains full funding for the Washington College Grant.
Additionally, the governor’s budget calls for the implementation of a furlough for all state employees, including Western employees, in the 2021-23 biennium and takes back funding originally appropriated for a 3% general wage increase in FY21 for faculty and professional staff, mirroring the State’s cancelation of the July 1, 2020 general wage increase for non-classified state employees. The impact of these actions would be a $9.87 million reduction to WWU’s state funding.
The governor’s proposal is just the beginning of the State’s 2-year budgeting process. The Legislature convenes virtually in January when lawmakers will take up the governor’s proposal and begin to negotiate the final 2021-23 biennial budget that is expected to be finalized in late April 2021.