Governor’s proposed capital budget funds top WWU priorities
Yesterday, Governor Inslee released his proposal for the State’s 2021-23 capital budget, which includes funding for many of WWU’s capital priorities.
The governor’s capital budget includes $51 million for construction of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science building—WWU’s top capital budget request for the biennium—as well as $4.9 million for design and construction of a Coast Salish-style Longhouse on Western’s Bellingham campus.
The full list of proposed capital investments for Western includes:
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – $51 million
- Minor Works Preservation – $9.8 million
- 2021-23 Classroom & Labs – $8.5 million
- Student Development & Success (pre-design) – $225,000
- Coast Salish Longhouse – $4.95 million
- Minor Works Program – $1 million
- Environmental Studies Center Renovation (pre-design) – $500,000
- Critical Safety, Access Control, and Fiber Optic Upgrades – $4 million
- Elevator Preservation and ADA Upgrades – $1 million
The release of the governor’s budget proposals marks the beginning of the State’s biennial budgeting process. The Legislature will convene for the 2021 Session on January 11th, when they will consider the governor’s budget proposals and begin negotiating the final biennial budgets. The 2021 Legislative Session will be conducted virtually and is scheduled to end on April 25th.